Thursday, June 21, 2012

Graphic Echo's Sixth Month Jubilee

In celebration of Graphic Echo's six months of existence, I have compiled a number of quotes by famous artists that expose the true nature of being an artist, as well as create a light in which we can view them as real people. I believe that sometimes we create such a distance between ourselves and individuals who work on a different level, but we all essentially create art in the same manner, enduring the same hopes and frustrations. Additionally, I have included some awesome quotes from GE artists. Thank you to all of the artists I have interviewed; it means so much to me that everyone has been so honest and giving in sharing their thoughts. 

"The idea of getting out of the art world to make better art because you can reach people outside the class structures implied by the museum system is a dream that’s been embedded in many artists of my generation." -Tony Oursler

"If I knew what the picture was going to be like I wouldn’t make it. The challenge is more about trying to make what you can’t think of." -Cindy Sherman

"When I do work, I get so much done in such a concentrated time that once I’m through a series, I’m so drained I don’t want to get near the camera." -Cindy Sherman

BAI: "What work of art do you wish you owned?"
JS: "The Sistine Chapel."
BAI: "What would you do to get it?"
JS: "Become Pope."
-Jim Shaw 

"When it is working, you completely go into another place, you're tapping into things that are totally universal, completely beyond your ego and your own self. That's what it's all about." -Keith Haring

"I think you have to control the materials to an extent, but it's important to let the materials have a kind of power for themselves; like the natural power of gravity, if you are painting on a wall, it makes the paint trickle and it drips; there is no reason to fight that." -Keith Haring

 "If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There's nothing behind it." 
-Andy Warhol

"I had a lot of dates but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows." 
-Andy Warhol

"The truly successful fine artist is willing to let go of many of the extra things in life to harness the skills to become a success." -Gill Eaton-Koch

"In my opinion, graffiti can be just as aesthetically valuable as any painting or sculpture. In terms of material worth in the art world, perhaps this doesn't hold true, but I believe different types of art influences people and society in different ways - you can't look at everything through the same lens." -Angie Carafas

"I want the world to see itself through my eyes." -Grace Camporeale

"When I started working with Ed Smith a couple years ago he had me work on paintings that were about 10' x 6'. I hadn’t had an extensive amount of experience with oil and I had never worked very big. When he showed me the wall he wanted me to work on, I thought to myself, "Yeah Ed, sick joke." Looking back, it was a way of learning how to swim by being tossed into the pool, and I am so grateful for that." -Mike O.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Emily Wist

"Looking back on all the work I've done in these two years, it seems crazy that I should end up with the body of work that I did. But once I look more closely, I can see that everything I did, good, bad, ugly, brilliant, or sucky, had something to contribute to what I showed in April."

Within the sculpture and drawings of Emily Wist, a single line is able to capture the attention of its viewer, leaving him spellbound as he follows it throughout the piece, tracing its seemingly never ending turns, twists, and alterations. The exposed details of the wrapping used in her standing sculpture provoke the idea of mummified aliens. In each of her pieces, the materials, colors, and shapes are morphed together in such a way it feels as if it happened organically, without the help of a human hand.

GE: Can you talk about the long-legged figure series: how was the concept conceived? What materials are involved?
EW: These pieces evolved from actively looking at how people walked and how they distribute their weight when standing.  I was curious to see if I could create works that stood on their own, literally, not just conceptually.  As for materials?  They have a skeleton of welded steel, "muscles" of brown packing paper bunched, rolled, and contained with masking tape, and "skin" of various materials like sewing thread, paint, polyurethane, yarn, rope, etc. 

GE: Some of your pieces similar to the figure series have a steel exterior – why the decision to expose metal in these particular works? (i.e. "Strain" & "Struggle")
EW: Actually, these works were the predecessors of some of the other pieces.  Each piece in this body of work started in all steel. I loved that process and the results I got, but I found it too be too slow for the rate of ideas I wanted to execute.  I also wanted to experiment with different surface techniques so I switched to welded skeletons instead of entire welded pieces.

GE: This series was created in 2012, in the final months of your graduate school experience. Is this where you hoped you would be by the time your completed your MFA program? Are you satisfied with this project being your final graduate work and how has your previous grad work led up to this series?
EW: I'm incredibly satisfied with where I am and the work I have made.  Looking back on all the work I've done in these two years, it seems crazy that I should end up with the body of work that I did. But once I look more closely, I can see that everything I did, good, bad, ugly, brilliant, or sucky, had something to contribute to what I showed in April [at the Boston University MFA exhibition].

GE: Do you consider your 2D work as artwork in itself, or primarily as preparatory studies for your sculpture?
EW: Both.  The prints and drawings are in direct conversation with my sculptures.  I needed printmaking as a way to explore colors but it's more than that.  Printmaking helps me develop my sense of composition as well and it also gives me a faster outlet for my ideas.  Drawing is a little different.  I draw A LOT - I have hundreds of drawings. I use them as ideas for new sculptures even if, at the end, the sculpture looks nothing like the drawing. Although, not all of my sculptures come from drawings.  Sometimes it's reversed and I make drawings after I made the sculpture.  But the drawings I have do serve as preparation.

GE: Your drawings on dictionary pages – was the imagery influenced by the text on the page?
EW: No, not really.  Sometimes, but I would have to say in 95% of the cases, no.  I like drawing on dictionary paper because of the two columned format it has and because of the quality of the paper.

GE: Do you think its important for an artist to work across a variety of media? That practice in one medium helps the other?
EW: Yes, absolutely!  How can you learn anything if you're not pushing your boundaries?  And that goes for more than just materials!

GE: What does the graduate school experience give you that undergraduate does not?
EW: The time to work.  I spent anywhere from 8 to 14 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week in my studio.  You just can't do that in undergrad.  Not only that, but you're surrounded by people who are doing the exact same thing!  It's a great environment for sharing ideas and working hard and I loved it!

GE: Would you ever consider becoming a professor of art yourself?
EW: Yes, but aside from perhaps teaching a course here and there, I'm not ready for that yet.  I'm too young, I have more to learn before I can turn around and say, "This is what I have to teach you." I want to know more so I can give my future students more. 

Check out more of Emily's work on her website here.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anthony Figalora

"I still consider myself to be learning something new every time I start a project and I'm always striving to try something different."

It's easy to travel and snap a shot of the first pretty sight that crosses your path. Anthony Figalora distinguishes himself in his ability to capture the essence and the true, undisturbed nature of place. His images feel more like the photographer, and consequently the viewer, is actually part of the scene, rather than an outsider looking in. The light in his night photography is so lively, it reminds the viewer of the energy that is still present even in the middle of a deep, dark night.
GE: Although the subject matter of your photography covers landscape, architecture, and portraiture – do you have any preference towards one type of subject?
AF: Although I'll shoot anything and enjoy it, I will always love doing night photography the most, specifically architecture at night. There is just something about the colors you get at night - they are so deep and rich. Shooting at night also allows me to slow my shutter speed and really capture the movement of light and create some beautiful images.

GE: How important is photo editing software in the making of your images?
AF: As much as I try to get the best shot I can straight from the camera, most of the time some sort of editing is done. The things you can do with Photoshop are amazing and if you know what you're doing you can take a good photo and make it a great one. For example, my original shot of the carousel in Boston, “The Night Shift.” To start with, I was able to get a pretty good shot that didn't require a lot of correction, but there was a lamp post and building on the left that really took away from the focus of the image. With Photoshop, I was able to completely take the lamp and building out of the image and I think it really makes the image better.

GE: What things do you keep in mind when composing a good composition in a photograph?
AF: I always try to get the most interesting angles and colors when I take a photo. Anyone can take a good photo straight on but I think that its the angles that really add to a shot and the colors that really make a beautiful picture. When it comes to color, I love deep rich colors. Whether in black & white or in color, I think its the richness that really adds to it all.

GE: If you had the opportunity to put together a photography exhibition of two or more artists, who would you include and why?
AF: First would be Chase Jarvis, a commercial photographer based out in Seattle. He does anything from action to model shots and his work really motivates me to want to try new things. He also coined the phrase "The best camera is the one you have with you," which basically just means you don't need the best tech to take a good picture - he even produced a book of just his iPhone photography.
Second would be Michael Kenna. Kenna is a British photographer who focuses on long exposures and unusual landscapes. Even though he shoots in black & white, his night time images truly capture what is so amazing about shooting at night. All his images show incredible detail and beautiful use of light. 

GE: In what way, if any, do all of your art practices (photography, sculpture, web design) relate?
AF: I think the biggest way they relate at the moment is how I approach lines and shapes. Whether its in a photo, website, or a sculpture, I love finding the most interesting way to show a pattern or demonstrate how different lines and shapes can interact. On top of that, they all challenge me to try new things. I still consider myself to be learning something new every time I start a project and I'm always striving to try something different.

GE: In your academic career, you made trips to Japan and Italy. What did you take from each experience and where do you want to go next?
AF: I learned A LOT from these experiences. While abroad, I've learned things relating to both my personal life as well as my career. Being able to see the 2011 Venice Biennale, as well as all the other amazing galleries and museums that Japan and Italy had to offer, gave me so much inspiration as well as helped me to better understand which direction I want to go with my own work. Also, foreign cities offer amazing photo opportunities unlike anything you would see here in America.
Personally, I think it really helped me grow and mature. You have to learn, to adapt, and do things in a new way when you're abroad and many times you have to figure out that way for yourself. Its even harder when there's a huge language barrier like in Japan. I don’t think I would be the person I am today without these experiences.
As for where I want to go next, I would love to go to either Munich, Germany or Dublin, Ireland. Both cities look absolutely amazing and I know I would love them. I’m hoping to find a job that will let me travel a lot so I can see as much of the world as I can.

GE: The photograph of the little Asian school children in two lines is one of my favorites of your work. What was happening in this scene?
AF: This photo was taken at the Children's Peace Monument in Hiroshima, Japan. The monument was created in remembrance of one girl who was affected by nuclear disaster and in order to make herself better, she made 1000 paper cranes, which according to Japanese lore will make one wish come true. Unfortunately, she passed away. Today, children come with their own paper cranes and pray at the monument. It was a very moving sight.

GE: Is education something that you learn in school?
AF: I believe you can get an education from anywhere. In my four years at Marist College I learned a lot about photography, as well as many other subjects, and have built a really good foundation. After a certain point you can only learn so much at school and you need to start learning on your own. I’ve learned so much through hands-on experience, but with out that foundation I built with my classes, I don’t think I’d be able to teach myself as much as I have.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jaclyn Vosburg

"I do primarily work with close up shots of one object and I do this because I love detail. I always have, and it's the aspect of my artistry that I pride myself on."
A 'Secret Garden' ambiance transcends through the variety of media in which Jaclyn Vosburg works, specifically digital photography and event invitation design. The swirls and curls that compromise the ephemeral subject matter within her images also make an appearance among the clean and elegant designs found in her invitation material. In viewing her work the audience quickly comes to understand the key elements important to the artist: romance and attention to detail.
GE: Would it be satisfying for you to be a commercial photographer? Or do you think you would feel limited?
JV: I think there can be limitation in any line of work I would choose, but I don't think that limitation is always a bad thing. I think I would enjoy the experience of working in a new mindset, especially one that is not entirely determined by myself. I find that sometimes when I'm working for myself I can lose direction, so commercial photography might give me some insight to a new subject area to explore on my own as well.

GE: Many of your images are up-close shots of the object you're capturing. What is it about highlighting the details that is important to you? What other elements do you look for to create a successful photo?
JV: When I'm shooting I look for subjects which have small areas of interest that might be overlooked upon first glance. I suppose I look for elements such as detail, line and texture to determine first, if it is a suitable subject and second, how I want to use it in my photograph. Composition is something that can always be rendered later on in the image correcting process but, it is something I try to master while I'm shooting and I'm meticulous about it. I have a hard time cropping my photographs to fit standard size mats and frames because of this, so sometimes I also take the same shot from farther away in case I see something later that I wanted to include. But I do primarily work with close up shots of one object and I do this because I love detail. I always have, and it's the aspect of my artistry that I pride myself on. I have always been a technical artist because of this and as such, abstraction has been my challenge. This is true of any work I create but I think it is easier for me to let go when working with graphic design. I'm still very particular about certain details, but not about everything. But in my photography I like to capture an object in such a way that will really make people look at it and see just how intricate a subject can be.

GE: Is there a time of day that you prefer to shoot?
JV: I shoot a lot of landscape and architecture, so the time of day matters depending on the kind of look I'm going for. I like night photography and the colors that are produced by the lack of light, but I prefer early morning and late day. The sun is in the perfect spot in the sky to produce the lighting I'm looking for. I love naturally backlit scenes in nature; the subject is so beautifully outlined in a halo of light and it gives the image an ethereal quality. I also enjoy these times of day because I feel like nature is wonderfully peaceful at dawn and sunset, whereas midday can seem a bit more hectic and midnight is almost too quiet. I guess I like the romantic quality that low lighting, or warm lighting, can create. 

GE: Considering you work in Fine Arts as well as in Graphic Design, do you believe there is a difference in definition between 'artist' and 'designer'?
JV: I do. I think the two can work in synergy of course, but there is a difference to me. When creating studio work I use a different mindset. In design I find that there are a lot of guidelines to follow, especially because the work being produced won't necessarily be for my personal use but it will be for a client who has specific wants and needs which differ from my own opinions. I do believe, however, that designers are artists and artists are designers, I just think that there is a very fine line that separates the two depending on the kind of work that is being produced. Sometimes I don't feel like a designer and sometimes I don't feel like an artist and I know it is because of what I have been working on.

GE: An observer can tell you have a passion for designing invitations and event associated material. What is it about this type of work that interests you?
JV: There is a need for it, which is appealing, but it's mostly because I like to please people. People put a lot of thought and effort into the kind of invitations and announcements they send out, to reflect their personal needs and interests. Similarly, I put a lot of thought and effort into creating them. On a more basic level, I enjoy designing space that is comprised of text and images, much like magazines and posters, but with stationary there is a simplicity to my designs that gives me endless possibilities to create. There is also the opportunity to make something really special for someone during an important time in their lives. It brings a personal level to the work I create that I really enjoy.

GE: Do you want to scream when you see a bad design?
JV: I definitely voice my opinion if anyone will listen, but I try not to be too harsh with my criticism because I always have that little voice in the back of mind asking me: how I would feel if it were my design? I try to remember that everyone has a different style and different interests. I put emphasis on 'try' because it's very easy to forget myself and let out my raw opinion without filtering it first.